Thursday, May 14, 2009

Almost there...

I know it's been over 2 months since I have blogged, but I have an amazing announcement. One more week of school! We're finished with classes, and we have already taken 2 finals in OPP (one a written exam and one a practical) and then next week we have 3 exams and are done on Thursday. I'm really hoping that I have more time to blog over the summer, as I enjoy it but always feel guilty doing it, even though I know nobody really reads it except close friends.

So once we finish up, I am taking a week or so off. I am going to go to the beach (on Lake Erie). I am going to read, I am going to clean up the mess that has accumulated over a year of busy-ness. I am gong to just relax for week. My family and I are going to Cleveland to see Jeff Dunham (wooo!). After that I am going to be babysitting my nieces everyday (or almost) for 8 weeks until I go back to school in August. My sister-in-law in going to pay me for my efforts and I personally couldn't think of a better job than playing with my nieces all summer. I am also going camping and going to another Rascal Flatts concert. Oh and it's my 5 year high school reunion this summer. Scary.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about finishing my first year of school. A lot excited, a lot scared. In just a few short years I am going to be a doctor and trying to not only save lives but not kill anyone. That worries me but I guess that is what I signed on for.

I guess I should work on that studying for finals thing. But I am back! blogging. :D

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another day in the life of...

So today was another day in my life. While I've had a rough past couple of days, I have to say in some ways today's events weren't as bad as they have been. Except, wow....I've been disturbed all day. I usually get up at 6:30 to get ready for school because I like to get there about 10 minutes early and get my stuff set up. I went to bed a little later last night and as such as a little more tired, so I reset my alarm for 10 more minutes (yes it really does help). In that 10 minutes I had one of the freakiest dreams I've had in a long time. I won't recount it because well I've told it twice now and it still continues to bother me. However, it did end when my ten minutes were up, something I am grateful for and it freaked me out enough that I jumped up and turned on all of the lights in my path. I'm still not sure I want to go to bed tonight, just in case.

The rest of the day wasn't bad except for that niggling feeling caused by the dream. I managed to pay attention during lecture and take decent notes, something that doesn't always happen with me. Then the afternoon came. We had a set of lectures from the Colby Foundation, which is an organization set up to promote organ donation after a set of parents lost their 14 month old son due to a near drowning (he was brain dead). First was a lecture from a researcher on organ transplantation which was interesting. Then a lecture from a man who works for an OPO (organ procurement organization). Then the mother of the little boy got up to talk to us about the foundation. While she was telling her story, I'm convinced that a majority of the class was teary eyed with everyone secretly trying to hide tears or wipe them away. I was glad that when the few people who asked questions of her thanked her for sharing her story, because I don't know how she did it. I think I would have fallen apart every single time I had to tell the story. Maybe she does and just hides it well. It was a moving series but at the same time, the sadness of it all still weighed heavily. It's odd because the little boy died because of the carelessness of one person and lost his life, yet with his organs he managed to extend/save the lives of at least 3 other people. The second person who talked was also particularly hard for me as he was talking about removing life support and basically waiting for a person to die, something I have unfortunately encountered only a couple of months ago.

After the talk, I went to the gym immediately to try to work off some of the weight on me. It worked some and I managed to have a very productive evening doing school work. I'm still a little afraid to go to bed though.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What is wrong with the world?

Today, 26 people died in two shootings. One in Alabama, one in Germany. I haven't read the details of the shootings really, except for the fact that there was no reason for them (is there ever a reason to kill innocent people). If the shooting had just been in the US or just been in Germany or centralized to somewhere not here, then I would think that there had to be something wrong with that particular place, but this is on opposite sides of the ocean. There are pictures of people sobbing, a story of a deputy who's wife and daughter were killed in the Alabama shooting who was saying "it was supposed to be me." It's all a tragedy. I'm not a peace love, and happiness kind of person, but I do believe in peace, love and happiness. And having respect for the human life. It's mind boggling that there are people who can just open fire and not care who goes down, especially not themselves, since often after causing their destruction, they kill themselves, which is the case in at least one of today's shootings. It's such a tragedy that there is no value to the human life anymore.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My day today....

I know it has been a while since I posted, but today was one of those days that should be written about. This is basically going to be a rundown list so bear with me. So for the first time since I started med school, I overslept by a lot. I didn't wake up until 7:24 and I have to be to class by 8. By taking a super quick shower, barely drying my hair and walking very fast to school, I managed to make it to my seat by 7:55. We just took our final for our first system (this is where we actually get into learning clinical stuff rather than just basic sciences). I missed a B by 0.7 points for the class despite a massive amount of effort of my part that seemed to be interrupted by the fact that I had a major adjustment to my braces the day before, accompanied by massive pain.

The morning was compacted by 4 hours of basic lists of memorization for our newest system (Neuroscience). I don't mind Neuroscience because the brain and its functioning and yes, even the things that go wrong with, fascinate me and I have contemplated the psychiatry route (though this is more neurology than psychiatry, but nonetheless). It's simply the fact that I would like to possibly pull off an A in this system. It's probably a long shot, but I'm tired of being mediocre and would like to be excellent at one thing, at least.

So then lunch time. I made myself and Jon sandwiches and soup for our lunch. When grabbing my bowl of soup from the microwave, I managed to slosh it all over my hand and the stove underneath the microwave (this is the second burn I've had in the past week due to my idiocy).

When I went back to school for our neuroanatomy lab, I ended up having to work with someone who I can't stand, which only frustrated me more. Then I was called upon for a quiz. I was so frustrated plus the nervousness of being called upon one on one with a professor, made me forget what I was doing. I only managed to get a good grade because the professor helped me out.

For probably the worst part of my day, Jon had to leave. I know this seems silly, but ever since we have been back together, when one of us has to return to our respective towns, it has been extremely hard on both of us. We managed to be able to spend this weekend together without me having the pressure to study so we were able to do what we wanted. It was great and then it had to end. It literally feels like I am being torn apart when he leaves (I know, cliche) but true.

So that was my day...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wow! Two days in a row...

Yes everyone this is my second day in a row posting on here. Should I be studying? Probably. However, after spending what amounts to an hour digging out my car, I think I deserve a break. So really is was half an hour Sunday and another half hour to 45 minutes today, but took work.

So I have decided that I may have to start driving to school. Traversing the hill that spans the distance between my apartment and the school isn't so bad in the summer time. Actually it's quite pleasant. When there is about 2 feet of snow and there's no clear path because the wind is blowing and covering up all attempts to make a path, it's pure hell. Today, I felt like I was going to die. Now I know I'm not in the greatest of shape, but typically my heart doesn't race and my lungs don't burn after that short amount of time. On "The Hill" though, it does. It's nice because it's kind of like my exercise for the day, but as I don't want to stink all day from the sweat that is drummed up with the workout and I don't want to have to spend an hour recuperating after, driving might just be best. We'll see though as people who drive in Erie are a little scary in the snow. Thankfully, it's a short drive.

So today is my second day of eating healthfully. What I am doing is the South Beach Diet. I love carbs, all sorts of carbs. However, so does my body, so it quickly gobbles them up and sends them right to my abdominal area. I am what you call an apple shape. I was reading an article today, that people who are apple shaped should actually eat lower carbs. And when they do eat, carbs it should be the healthly ones. Now, this is true for everyone. We should all eat "good" carbs. Whole grains, fruits, "real" sugars. But the article showed that those with an apple shape use carbs differently than pear shapes. The study showed that pear shapes lost the same amount of weight on a low carb and low fat diets. Apple shapes lost significantly more weight on a low carb diet. It has to do with the way insulin is released in response to the carbs. How insulin effects body shape or how body shapes effect insulin, they still haven't figured out yet. So it makes sense to me. I'll go very low carb for a while then I'll introduce the good carbs back into my diet in smaller quantities.

In other news, med school is the same as usual. I hate sitting in lecture all day but I guess that is what I chose. I did well on the quizzes I had to take, but I obviously need some major work in pharmacology.

I have to do OPP now. Where yes, we do touch our patients, but only in a good way.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The goings on...

My second semester of med school has officially started. While I wasn't unhappy to come back but I wasn't exactly ecstatic either. I had to take my anatomy remediation exams, which while didn't go great, I passed. I don't think I am ever going to be a surgeon. Not that it was ever really in the plans but hey, it's nice to have options. So that part was good. However, on the Saturday before the semester started, Jon's grandfather died and most of the day was spent with him and his family, with everyone trying to hold it all together. So Wednesday night was the viewing and the beginning of the blizzard. I wasn't go to miss the viewing as I wasn't able to get the day off from classes, so I drove through extremely bad weather on really bad roads to get there. As the night progressed and I looked outside I realized I wasn't get back to Erie and ended up having to stay at my parent's house. I got up at 5:30 in an attempt to maybe make it in time for my first class but it took me a while to get my car uncovered and I had a bit of trouble getting out of the driveway. Then a drive that usually only takes me an hour or so, took me 2 hours. I have to say, it was slightly boring only going 30 on a road that I normally go 70.

But anyway, I'm working on getting caught up from my fun-filled adventures. Plus getting things done that I should have done over my break, but just didn't want to .

I have to say, I've been feeling rather lonely lately. I haven't seen Jon well since the viewing on Wednesday, but that's not exactly quality time and I'm used to seeing him at least once a week now that he's been back. We also have decided that yes, we are officially together again, which is nice. I don't study in the library anymore because I've found that it's too distracting. I tried to sit there today during a long break, couldn't take the whispering, and left. I'm okay with talking in the library if you have quick question or something, but people seem to feel the need to carry on conversations about the meaning of life while everyone else is trying to study. So I study at home, which isn't exactly productive, but I don't know where else to go. So while studying at home, I don't really see anyone, including my LECOM friends and it seems I've sunk back into the old tradition of being by myself most of the time. Even if I'm sitting in a crowded lecture hall, I still feel lonely. It's sad really.

But anyway, enough of a pity party. So far this year, I have managed to quit drinking soda (2 whole days), eating better (1 whole day), and I took my gym clothes to school so that I could go workout but upon hearing several other people (several very skinny, very athletic people) say they were going to the gym, I decided against that. I might try to make the trip over later this evening or I might just try some yoga or pilates here. We'll see how that works out. But the point is, I'm working on losing that last 15 pounds to get my dad off the chewing tobacco and I have all of these gift cards from Christmas but don't want to use them on "fat" clothes. That is my motivation.