Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hoorah for Class of 2012!

So starting in July, I noticed a few things about my class. They are whiners. A lot of them are gunners. A lot of them are super-competitive when there is no longer any need to be. And as of this morning, they are cheaters. Okay, as a disclaimer I should say that this isn't everyone in my class. A lot of people simply want to be doctors and help people and as such just want to get through med school (I'm one of those people). We want to do well, but for us as long as we pass, we're good. So the whiners complain about everything single thing, from bad test questions to the amount of time we have to study, on and on and on. The gunners spend everyday in the library for hours and hours and know everything, even the stuff we don't need to know. And then make those of us who aren't gunners, feel like idiots. The competitive is self-explanatory, though I will add we are all in this together and we should help each other.

Now the cheating part. We have these radio frequency remote control type things where we get quizzes and we answer the quiz question by pushing a button on the remote. Apparently some of the anatomy faculty worked really hard so that we can have these things and they thought it would help us. We are assigned a module to do and then we get quizzed on it during the lecture the next day. It's supposed to make sure we are keeping up. So we have been told several times that these quizzes are testing situations and we should act appropriately (no talking, no notes, and NO CHEATING). So apparently the professors have gotten emails about how cheating on these quizzes is wide spread. No one specific, just that it is wide spread. Who knew? I was trying to think today if I've ever cheated but I don't think I have. I'm trying to decide if I've cheated without knowing it but once again I usually try to keep my eyes as forward as possible. And when I do the modules, it's reflected in my grade. When I don't do the modules, it's reflected in my grade. I usually do the modules so my grades are fairly high. Of course, if I were really cheating, I might actually be passing the class, which of course, I'm not.

So the entire class might be punished for what a few people are doing. Not only that but this isn't the first time we get punished for what other's do. Holy crap. They whine all the time, piss the professors off and the professors make the tests harder. Quite honestly I don't even know what to say anymore, the stupidity just amazes me. Honestly, walking home today, I said to myself, do I even want to attend this school anymore? I'm not sure this is the environment I want to get my medical education in.

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