Friday, July 4, 2008

My New Blog

Hello all. So I have to admit this is my first blog ever. Sometimes I read blogs, but rarely and I never write them, until now. You may ask, why now? Well, I believe I have come to see the power of the blog by reading one blog in particular. Typically this would not be a venue in which I would talk about myself, in fact, if you ask some people they would say I don't talk enough. I'm a very private person. But as of late I have realized that there are just a few things that I need to get off my chest and while yes I have friends who would listen, this might actually be a better way. First off, what's the likelihood of you (whoever you are) judging me? I mean unless you actually know me and that's the reason you are reading this blog, you probably won't ever meet me, though online friendships are always fun. Second, I'm not so sure I really care if I'm judged. I think I've worried about that my entire life and while no one would say I'm old (I'm only 22), I've gotten to the age where I'm tired of always doing what others will approve of and always making everyone else happy. So this will be my vent spot and when I'm not venting I'll discuss other things. I'm not deeply philosophical, but most people would say I'm fairly intelligent and can carry on a decent conversation or monologue as it might be. So welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy your visit here. Take pictures, relax, and please come again.